Mastering Marksmanship: Increasing Pistol Accuracy
In the world of shooting sports, self-defense, or law enforcement, training a high level of pistol accuracy is a fundamental skill. Whether you’re entirely new or well experienced, improving accuracy is an ongoing process. Being accurate without a time limit is the first piece to develop. After that, testing that accuracy at speed has been where I’ve found the most growth. We will cover both of these elements in detail.
Walther Gun Safety Video Series
WALTHER GUN SAFETY VIDEO SERIES As a firearm owner, it is YOUR DUTY to know how to properly handle the…
VEHICLE DRILLS VIDEO TRAINING SERIES Chances are you spend a fair amount of your day in or around your vehicle…
IT’S YOUR DUTY VIDEO TRAINING SERIES We are proud to introduce the It’s Your Duty To Be Ready Video Training…
Shooting Basics By Larry Vickers
SHOOTING BASICS BY LARRY VICKERS Shooting Basics by Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical is our third series of videos designed…
Guide For New Handgun Owners
BEGINNERS GUIDE FOR NEW HANDGUN OWNERS The Beginners Guide for New Handgun Owners is an effort on our part to…
#WaltherCQT Airsoft Challenge
#WaltherCQT – Airsoft Challenge – Corona Quarantine Training We know you’re probably bored out of your mind and itching to…
Shadowland Drill – Shooting Tip
The Shadowland Drill – Shooting Tip is not necessarily a defensive pistol drill, but it is an extremely fun drill.…
Using A Shot Timer – Skill Drill
The “Using A Shot Timer – Skill Drill”, is quite possibly the best and safest way to practice shooting under…
Dot Drills – Shooting Tip
The Dot Drills – Shooting Tip is not a defensive drill. This is an accuracy or marksmanship drill. It is…
Shooting While Moving – Training Tip
This Shooting While Moving – Training Tip is paramount. The only absolute in a gunfight is there are no absolutes.…
The Failure Drill – Training Tips
The Failure Drill – Training Tip is an extremely popular drill. The Failure Drill is simple. Get two hits center…
Double Tap, Hammer, Controlled Pair
This skill drill – double taps, hammers and controlled pairs is a standard drill taught by many instructors. The goal…
Training with your Walther
Training with your Walther doesn’t have to be a hassle. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t even always…
Skill Drill – Four-Five Drill
The 4-5 drill is another simple handgun drill for you to take to the range. It entails shooting 4 shots…
Skill Drill – Single Shots to the Head
This very basic but helpful skill drill – “single shots to the head” is a great exercise allowing you to…
Shooting Using Cover and Concealment
Shooting using cover and concealment There is a drastic difference between cover and concealment. This video goes over the basics.…
Working with Steel Targets
This video will explain the basics of working with steel targets. Richard Mann takes you through the basics of working…
Slice the Pie – Walther Training Tips
This video will explain how to properly “Pie” a corner or Slice the Pie. Slice the Pie – Walther Training…
How To Properly Test Carry Ammo
This video will explain how to properly test your carry ammunition. We can’t stress enough the importance of checking, testing…
Target Focus Shooting Technique
Shooting drill breaking down the necessity of learning to shoot with a focus on your target. Shooting drill breaking down…
The Basics of Firearms Safety
THE FOUR BASICS OF FIREARMS SAFETY Treat ALL firearms as if they were loaded. DO NOT point the muzzle at…
The Importance of Grip and Trigger
Two of the most important factors in the fundamentals of shooting are grip and trigger pull. Walther has put a…