Grip & Trigger.
Do not to overlook the importance of grip and trigger as two of the most important factors in shooting accurately. Walther’s focus is offering handguns that feel great in the hand, and make you a more consistent shooter. GRIP is a fundamental that affects felt recoil the most. The stronger your grip and the more contact with the frame of your gun, the less felt recoil. Walther can’t help with your grip strength, but we can help with the grip contact on the gun. We offer many handguns with interchangeable back straps to customize the grip to your preference.

We’ve designed our concealed carry guns give you the most contact with the frame, while still being easy to conceal. Palm swells on the frame provide crucial contact points with the dominant palm and the heel of your off-hand. This allows more grip strength on the frame of the gun, while still allowing the gun to fit your hand. Developing a consistent trigger pull takes years of practice, but when done correctly, consistent accuracy can be achieved.
Walther is well known for having the best out-of-the-box triggers in the industry. Lightweight, short reset, and ergonomic trigger shoes help give you that consistent trigger pull. The interchangeable backstraps help tune your grip to give you a perfect straight-back trigger pull. This allows you to access the magazine release and slide release without breaking your grip on the gun. Next time you pick up a Walther, make sure you check out the grip and trigger to feel for yourself why Walther leads the industry in ergonomics.