As a Mom of four ranging in age from twenty to one-and-a-half, I have a strong opinion about the best guns for Moms. Moms don’t have time to mess around. We have careers to run, children to raise, sporting events to attend, finances to manage, groceries and meal planning, diapers to change, teens to wrangle, pets, and somewhere in all of that glorious mess, we carve out some “me time” and hit the range. What is the best gun for Mom? Before you rush out and buy the first pink subcompact off the shelf, let’s pause and investigate what Mom really does and doesn’t want in a handgun.


In the world of shooting sports, self-defense, or law enforcement, training a high level of pistol accuracy is a fundamental skill. Whether you’re entirely new or well experienced, improving accuracy is an ongoing process. Being accurate without a time limit is the first piece to develop. After that, testing that accuracy at speed has been where I’ve found the most growth. We will cover both of these elements in detail.